Hacienda La Primogénita
Es una pequeña finca familiar de 3ha que se encuentra en Ocumare de la Costa, productora de cacao Ocumare 61
2 ha
Genetic material
- Ocumare 61
Annual production capacity
2000 kg/year
Our Allies
“We are a team with a common goal, tonurture quality cocoa, protect its genetic identity and its particular qualities, and ensure that the cocoa is of the highest quality.The cocoa is a guarantee of a cocoa that is indigenous to the region”.
Ocumare Farmers’ Cooperative
“Empowering the farmer, is a guarantee of fair trade”.
Thanks to cultural ties, proximity and know-how, Arvicacao has managed to organise the farmers in the area into cooperatives.
We join forces to place Ocumare cocoa in the best bakeries in the world.
We provide technical advice, logistical and financial support to different cocoa-producing families.
Centro de beneficio y transformación del cacao, Merida
Guaranteed traceability, sustainable production and ethical trade are our values.
The different farming families in the Mérida sector, in the south of the lake, take their freshly harvested cocoa to our processing centre located in the municipalities of Tulio Febres Cordero and Alberto Adriani, Mérida state.

Las Bromelias Production Centre
Se trata de una finca vecina de La Primogénita. Su cacao está certificado como único en el mundo.
Su material genético es un conglomerado de mezclas de cacaos criollos, dado por un proceso natural de polinización.
Esta finca se encuentra rodeada de una planta epifita llamada Bromelia, en cuya flor se reproduce un insecto del tamaño de una mota de polvo, encargado de generar tan maravilloso mecanismo natural de mestura.
4,8 ha
Genetic material
- Ocumare 60
- Ocumare 61
- Ocumare 77
- Chuao 120
- Choroní42
Annual production capacity
4000 kg/año